Wednesday, April 29, 2015

God Reveals Himself to the Samaritan Woman

By Darrel Auvenshine

“Then Jesus declared, ‘I, the one speaking to you – I am He.’”
John 4:26

How wonderful to hear those words again from Jesus. “I am He.” Talk about revelation. This Samaritan Woman encountered Jesus that day. She was looking. She even said, “I know that Messiah is coming." Jesus was right there and she was missing Him. But then the revelation came. 

Sometimes we deny that God would reveal Himself to us because of the things we have done. It may be because of who we associate with, or because our lives have become a mess. But God is ready to reveal Himself to us. What we are looking for and trusting is that somehow God will make Himself known to us, in spite of ourselves.

There really is just one truth here; Jesus said, “I am He.”

What was so significant about Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman?

Do you view yourself like the woman in this story?

Have you heard Him say, “I am He”?