Wednesday, April 29, 2015

God Reveals Himself to the Samaritan Woman

By Darrel Auvenshine

“Then Jesus declared, ‘I, the one speaking to you – I am He.’”
John 4:26

How wonderful to hear those words again from Jesus. “I am He.” Talk about revelation. This Samaritan Woman encountered Jesus that day. She was looking. She even said, “I know that Messiah is coming." Jesus was right there and she was missing Him. But then the revelation came. 

Sometimes we deny that God would reveal Himself to us because of the things we have done. It may be because of who we associate with, or because our lives have become a mess. But God is ready to reveal Himself to us. What we are looking for and trusting is that somehow God will make Himself known to us, in spite of ourselves.

There really is just one truth here; Jesus said, “I am He.”

What was so significant about Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman?

Do you view yourself like the woman in this story?

Have you heard Him say, “I am He”?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Father’s Heart is to Be Found

By Darrel Auvenshine 

“…if you seek Him, He will be found by you.”
1 Chronicles 28:9

When I was a child, my dad used to love playing hide and seek with us. We would hide and dad would take His time finding us, although he was fully aware most of the time of our hiding places. When dad would hide, he was always certain to hide in the most obvious places. He hid so that we would easily find him. We were delighted to find dad and he in turn was delighted to watch the look on our face when we found him.

The Father’s heart is to be found. He delights in revealing Himself to His children. Just like my dad would hide with part of his leg or arm exposed, making it easy for us to find him, our heavenly Father reveals Himself and the result is joy. 

Was your earthly father open and able to reveal aspects of himself to you, or was he difficult to know?

Think of a time when you earnestly searched for God. How did God reveal Himself to you?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Placing Our Trust Elsewhere

By Darrel Auvenshine
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
Psalm 20:7 

We look for security in many places: relationships, possessions, employment, money. But all of those can be lost in a moment. We can easily become enthralled with the idea of another man meeting our needs. Our pursuit of security or safety often drives us to the mindless search for meaning and significance in relationship with another man.

I recall the days when I was in my teens and early 20’s. I was constantly pursuing relationship with men who I believed would surely fulfill me and affirm me. Many times I placed my trust in a sexual encounter, somehow believing that if I could just have sex with another man I would find fulfillment. I was trusting the experience to satisfy what ultimately only God can satisfy.

Where are you placing your trust today?

How can you begin to actively learn to trust the One who is everything?