by Ricky Chelette
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
John 16:33
Happy New Year! The crowds have disbursed, the roar of the revelry has subsided, and everyone has moved past the late night to greet the new year with excitement and anticipation. We have made resolutions, vowed that this year will be better than the last, and committed ourselves to live, love, and learn better! It all sounds grand, and it is, but most of us won’t keep those commitments past the third week. Though our intentions are good, our flesh is weak and we likely will be eating the left over cake despite the diet.
We all start the new year with the best of intentions, but life is hard. We are fallen people living in a fallen world. When the ball drops on the new year, we think we can outrun it, overcome it, or just climb over it, but if we are not careful, some of us will get run over by it. It doesn’t have to be that way.
These words of Jesus recorded in John’s Gospel should be etched upon our hearts, “but take heart; I have overcome the world.” Though the world will quickly seek to suck the joy out of our allegiance and commitment to Jesus, Christ promises that He has already overcome the world!
Despite the difficulties you and I will face in the coming year, if we depend on Jesus, He will see us through. The solution will likely not look the way we anticipated, but the outcome is assured – we are His and He has overcome!
In a day when temptations crouch behind every corner seeking to pull us away from the Jesus Way, He assures us that victory is ours if we are His.
Rom. 8:17 tells us that we are, “joint heirs with Christ.” That means whatever belongs to Jesus also belongs to His followers. You have already overcome the world if you are in Christ. As Christians, we need to live like we believe that even when we doubt.
Living the Christian life in the new year will not be without its difficulties. Jesus plainly says, “In the world you will have tribulation.” But Jesus has already overcome the world. We are victorious.
So when you see that ball rolling your way and you think there is no way out, remember whose you are and who you are. Have confidence that If it rolls over you, He can resurrect you. If it hits and hurts you, He can heal you. If it seems to block your way, He can build a bridge over it. If it creates fear in you, remember He has given you faith.
Through Jesus you are an overcomer. When we trust in Him, we will find the best reality in the new year – “that in me you may have peace.”