“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Luke 1:14
Luke 1:14
At Christmas, those who have chosen the Jesus Way, celebrate the coming of the Son of God to earth for the redemption of humanity. We mark the appearing of the Son of God as a human being, to be for man, what man could not be for himself: Perfect. Holy. Savior. We know His earthly entry is true because the annals of history are filled with evidence. His appearance, life, death and resurrection has been the subject of more research than any other personality in history. Additionally, the entirety of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, gives evidence of His existence.
Yes Christmas is about Jesus, but it is also about the Word of God fulfilling the promises of God, in the person of God in flesh, so that we might know Him, love Him, and be redeemed.
In a world that wants to cut and paste the Bible to meet our feelings and needs, we have a Savior who came to personally show us the Word and demonstrate how it is lived out in a human’s life.
As the Word, Jesus was full of glory, grace and truth. When you saw him you saw the glory of the Father. When he interacted with people He demonstrated the grace and truth we see in the Word. He didn’t abuse grace by erasing expectations or watering down God’s standards for human behavior. He didn’t abuse truth by beating up people with rigid rules and unreasonable demands. He perfectly demonstrated the Word, because He was the Word full of grace and truth!
If you want to know Truth, read the Word. From its pages, feast on His revelations of God to His people. Digest His teachings and allow Him to empower your every
thought, motivation and action. Share Him with others and see His power transform the hearts and lives of men and woman. Believe His teachings and see transformation emerge from confusion. Claim His promises and watch hope be reborn in your life and the lives of others. Live His principles and watch your life and world changed around you for His glory and your joy.
If you want to know The Way, follow Jesus. Follow Him everyday in every way. He won’t lead you astray.
If you want to know The Life, make Him your treasure. Abandon the trivial for the Truth. Keep Him as your focus and your goal. He will not disappoint.
Indeed, the Word was made flesh, and His Name is Jesus! Merry Christmas. What a Savior!