By Darrel Auvenshine
“…Woman why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?...He said to her, ‘Mary’, she turned and said to Him, ‘Master’.”
John 20:11-18
I cannot get over the beautiful revelation; so personal and intimate. There is Mary Magdalene in the garden with the empty tomb. Everyone else had run away, but Mary is still there searching. She is looking with hope and deep expectancy. Christ was her life. He had cast 7 demons out of her and she had never been the same since meeting Jesus. Her whole life was centered around Jesus and now His body is gone.
She looks again, with hope of finding Him, though she had looked already. Then He spoke to her in a most intimate way. Jesus said, “Mary." And upon hearing Him speak her name, she turned and saw Him and with one word replied, “Master." How beautiful. And so we see God revealed in the resurrection.
She looks again, with hope of finding Him, though she had looked already. Then He spoke to her in a most intimate way. Jesus said, “Mary." And upon hearing Him speak her name, she turned and saw Him and with one word replied, “Master." How beautiful. And so we see God revealed in the resurrection.
John 11:25 Jesus says, “I Am the Resurrection and the Life.” Death is swallowed up in victory. We must see the Lord, risen.
How much importance do you place on the resurrection of Christ from the dead?
What difference does it make in your relationship with God, when you consider the resurrection?